Growth of Caliphs and Islamic Religion
Prophet Muhammad was a religious leader who founded the Islamic religion. Following his death, the Arab Empire expanded, which led to the growth of the caliphates, who had occupied a vast geographical area that converted to the Islamic faith.
In this context, the spread of Islam is being discussed in this section; we are going to analyze what factors contributed to the spread of Islam, many other important and interesting facts about how the caliphs continued to maintain authority over the conquered territories. Let us know more about the topic in detail.
Spread of Islam by Caliphates and Trade
The Arab Empire has expanded far and wide; due to this, the caliphates who occupied a vast geographical area expanded even more. The conversion to Islam was upheld by missionary activities, which was particularly Imams. They easily mingled with the local population and propagated their religious teachings. With the Muslim economies, Islam was speeded outwards from Mecca towards the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, which created a new Muslim world. So, we see trading played an important role in the spread of Islam in several parts of the world, mostly in southeast Asia.
Powerful Islamic Dynasties
Muslim dynasties were created, namely - Abbasids, Fatimids, Seljukids, Almoravids and Ajurans, Adal and Warsangali in Somalia, Mughals in India. While in Persia, Safavids ruled, and in Anatolia, Ottomans ruled. These dynasties were the largest and most powerful among all other Islamic clans. The Islamic people around the world have created numerous culture and science centres that promote social activities.
Islamic Conversion
Historians have studied two separate versions of Islamic conversion in that time. They are - animists and polytheists of the tribal societies located in the Arabian Peninsula and the Fertile crescent; the other is the monotheistic populations that belong to the Middle Eastern agrarian and in the urbanized societies.
For the polytheistic and pagan societies, the religious and spiritual reasons are also involved, each individual may have had, conversion to Islam because they represent the response of a tribal, pastoral population which is required in need for a larger framework for any political or for economic integration, which will define a more stable state, with even more imaginative, coupled with a moral vision to tackle with the problems of society.
What Factors Contributed to the Spreadof Islam?
We know the factors which are responsible for the spread of Islam accounts to the caliphates who had spread the Islamic religion in other parts of the world as well. Also, trading activities have played another vital role in this part of spreading the religion. Apart from these factors, there are even more effectual factors that accounted for its spread and growth. The spread of Islamic religion was due to the following factors as well:
Simplicity, Rationality, and Practicality in the Religion
The Islamic religion has spread widely. This widespread religion was not any luck’s factor; rather, it held some major components like simplicity, guidance, rationality, and practicality, which led to its growth. Islam religion does not contain any myths, and thus, its spread and popularity grew. Islamic teachings were simple, clear, and acute, and thus it was able to conquer the minds and hearts of people.
Muhammad, with his Peace and Blessings, be Upon the Religion was the Pivotal Reason in the Spread of Islam
This is indeed a true fact that Islam would not have grown without the guidance of Prophet Muhammad (the peace and blessings were upon him). Muhammad was indeed a unique individual who had won millions of hearts. In the initial years, Muhammad won the support for his character and status, which he displayed in Arabia.
However, right after the Prophet had received all the divine revelations, all of his followers did not accept his message; among them, the pagan rulers also did not accept the message. Hence, Muhammad developed a small following at the start.
Intellectual and Scientific Factors Involved
After the Islamic religion was established, for quite a long period of time the Muslims excelled in many exceptional achievements, in numerous fields, like - mathematics, literature, architecture, astronomy, science, and philosophy. In addition to this, the Muslims were also in the path of civilization. Thus, their own excellent achievements were one of the major factors that contributed to the growth of this modern civilization.
Moral and Ethical Aspects of the Islamic Religion
The Islamic religion had an extensive and deep moral influence over the Mongols, due to all this influence, the religion was even praised by the Christian spiritual leaders. The Christian community has praised them, it was proven from a letter that was sent by Pope John XXII in the year 1318 to Uzbek Khan, a Muslim Prince. In his letter, he extends his thanks to the Muslim Prince for treating the Christian subjects in a justified way. All this moral way of treating encouraged many Russians to get converted to Islam between 1906 and in the year 1910.
Humanitarian Factor Led to the Hindus Getting Converted into Muslims
Another effective factor that led to the conversion of mass Hindus is the humanitarian factor. The Hindus suffered from the brutal conditions of the Hindu Caste system, while the Islamic religion did not preach or practice caste, rather Islamic religion was based on equality. Thus it attracted other religions to their humanitarian quality of unity and brotherhood. So, Hindus, especially from the lower caste who were looked down on worse than animals, got converted into Muslims to enjoy unity.
Did You Know?
Islam means to surrender or submission to God. In Arabic, Islam means submission, peace, obedience, and purity.
Haji is an annual pilgrimage to the Kaaba in Mecca; it is said that every Muslim must make this pilgrimage once in their life.
Muslim is said to be the second largest religion in the whole world.
The Muslims are required to pray five times a day.
The Quran is the Holy Book for the Muslims.
The Islamic calendar started in 622 AD.
Men who oppress women are not actually following Islam.
Here we basically talked about the origin and growth of the Islam religion. This is a religion of equality and with immense moral values which cultivate a man right from his basics. Thus, the spread of Muslims had its mark fixed because of these outgrowths of social advantage. Students must understand this chapter thoroughly, which will help them in knowing the religion properly.
FAQs on The Spread of Islam
1. Who started the spread of Islam?
The start of Islam was initiated by the Prophet Muhammad. This start was marked in the year 610, after the first revelation to the Prophet Muhammad, aged 40. Muhammad and his followers spread the teachings of the Islamic religion in the peninsula of Arabia.
2. What is the Islamic belief system of God?
Keeping in accord with the Islamic statement of the witness, or by the shahada, “There is no god but Allah”. The Muslims believes that Allah has created the world in six days and then had sent his prophets like Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus, and lastly, the Prophet Muhammad, who had called people to worship only him, that is Allah. They reject idolatry and polytheistic ways of worshipping.
3. What are reasons why Islam spread so quickly?
There are various reasons that led to spread of Islam so quickly:
Spiritual Journeys by religious leaders
Simplicity of the religion
Rise of Muslim Empires
Conquests and treaties