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Write the smallest natural number. Can you write the largest natural number?

Last updated date: 25th Apr 2024
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Hint: Check on the range of natural numbers which contains integers from 1 and thus increasing and then find desired results.

Complete step-by-step answer:

In the question we are asked to write the smallest natural number and write the largest natural number.
At first, we will know what natural numbers are.
In mathematics, natural numbers are those used for counting and ordering. In common mathematical terminology, words colloquially used for counting are “cardinal numbers'' and words connected to ordering represent “ordinal numbers”. The natural numbers can at times appear as a convenient set of codes.
The natural numbers are basics from which many other number sets may be the built by extension: the integers by adding the neutral number 0 and the additive inverse of natural numbers by multiplying it with $\left( -1 \right)$; rational numbers by including multiplicative inverses for each non zero number n and then multiplying with each other.
Properties of natural numbers such as divisibility and distribution of prime numbers are studied in number theory. Problems concerning counting and ordering, such as partitioning and enumerations, are studied in combinatorics.
So according to the facts the smallest natural number is 1 and the largest is infinite.
So, we cannot write it.
The smallest is 1 and the largest can’t be written.

Note: Students should know about what are the natural numbers and also theory behind them. Also, that should know the range of natural numbers.