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Write the decimal as fraction. Reduce the fraction to its lowest form 1.0

Last updated date: 23rd Apr 2024
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Hint: We are given a decimal and asked to write it in fractional form and we have only one digit after the decimal point so the decimal 1.0 can be written as $\dfrac{{10}}{{10}}$.

Complete step-by-step answer:
The given decimal is 1.0
The decimal number x.y can be written as a fraction with xy as the numerator and 10 in the denominator.
So our given decimal can be written as
$ \Rightarrow 1.0 = \dfrac{{10}}{{10}}$
We can reduce the fraction to its lowest form as
$ \Rightarrow \dfrac{{10}}{{10}} = \dfrac{1}{1}$
Therefore the lowest form of the fraction of the decimal is $\dfrac{1}{1}$ or 1.

Note: Here in the fractional form we have the denominator to be 10 since the number of digits after the decimal point was 1
Therefore the denominator for a number with n digits after the decimal point is given by ${10^n}$.