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Write a letter to your class teacher asking for 2 days leave.

Last updated date: 14th May 2024
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Hint: A formal letter follows a predetermined format and employs orderly and conventional language. These letters are prepared solely for official purposes, such as writing to a manager, HR manager, employee, college or school administrator, teacher, and so on. For personal reasons, however, we do not send formal letters to our family, relatives, or friends.

Complete answer:
The Class Teacher,
Dav Public School,
Subject- Application for leave

Respected Madam,
I am a student in your Xth grade. [xxxx] is my roll number. I have a high temperature and a cold, and the doctor has ordered me to stay in bed for two days. As a result, from DD/MM/YYYYY to DD/MM/YYYYY, I will be unable to attend school for two days. Hence, I respectfully request that you allow me two days of leave.

Your Obedient Student
Class X
Roll No. [xxxx]

Note: Keep these points in mind before writing the letter:
- Write a courteous letter that conveys your need for leave and comes across as genuine.
- Make a concise statement about why you're requesting a leave of absence.
- The letter's resonance should be preserved.
- The letter has to be brief and to the point.