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Which of the following is the function of lymph?
(a) Lymphs keeps the body cells moist
(b) Lymphs takes lymphocytes and antibodies from the lymph nodes to the blood
(c) Lymphs maintains the volume of the blood
(d) All of the above

Last updated date: 16th May 2024
Total views: 402.3k
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Hint: A clear-to-white fluid which is made up of White blood cells, especially lymphocytes, the cells that attack bacteria in the blood. It seems similar to that of the blood but varies in its composition.

Complete answer:
Lymph performs many important functions. Few major functions of lymph are mentioned below:
- It keeps the body cells moist.
- It transports oxygen, hormones, and nutrients to different parts of the body and removes metabolic waste from the cells.
- It transports antibodies and lymphocytes to the blood.
- Lymph maintains the composition of tissue fluid as well as the volume of blood.
- Absorption of fats from the small intestine through lymphatic vessels.
- Prevents invasion of microbes and foreign substances inside the lymph nodes.

Additional Information:
Differences between the Blood and the Lymph:
It is a colorless fluid.It is a reddish colored fluid.
Process occurs in
It is part of the lymphatic systemIt is part of the circulatory system
It is a part of the immune system as it helps in immune defense.It is involved in the circulation of nutrients, hormones, oxygen and carbon dioxide, wastes, and other toxins.
Comprised of
It contains plasma and a lesser number of WBCs and platelets.It contains plasma, RBCs, WBCs, and platelets.
Oxygen level
Carries less oxygen and digested food.Carries more oxygen and digested food.
Proteins and minerals
Lymph plasma lacks proteins.Blood plasma consists of proteins, calcium, and phosphorus.
Supply of Nutrients
Nutrients are supplied from the cells, tissue to the blood, through lymphatic vessels. Nutrients are supplied to different organs.
Very slow compared to blood.Blood flows fast in the blood vessels.
Formation of Clots
Due to the presence of less fibrinogen they Clots slowly.Clots quickly due to the presence of more fibrinogen.
The movement in a single direction.The movements in a circular motion.

Therefore all of its given functions are correct.
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So the correct answer is, ‘‘All of the above.’’

- Lymph circulates throughout the lymphatic system as a clear to a pale- white fluid which The main role of the lymphatic system is to act as a filter against microbes, organic wastes, and other debris.
- The lymph is made up of lymph plasma, lymph corpuscles, and lymphoid organs.