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Which of the following is an example of non- biodegradable waste?
(a) Fruits
(b) Vegetables
(c) Paper
(d) Polythene

Last updated date: 23rd Apr 2024
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Hint: Non- biodegradable waste is one that can not be decomposed by natural agents or dissolved by them. They remain on earth without any degradation for thousands of years. Non- biodegradable waste is not environmentally friendly and needs replacement. The plastics which are a commonly used material in almost every field are a notable example.

Complete answer:
Polythene is a synthetic material that is widely used. Like other synthetic plastics, polyethylene or polythene isn't readily biodegradable.
Biodegradable materials are the ones that may be degraded into some usable forms by natural processes.
Examples include excreta from humans and animals, plant products such as rubber, paper, wood, leaves, cotton and wool, dead remains of living organisms, cooking waste, and agricultural waste.
Nonbiodegradable materials are those that can not be converted into usable forms by natural processes. These are waste that can not be turned into manure and are building up pollution. The combustion of these fuels creates greater environmental pollution. When it is possible to recycle non- biodegradable wastes it becomes useful.
Glass, metals, electronic devices, computer parts, batteries, medical waste, plastic bags, plastic bottles, tetra packs, and carbon paper are a few examples of non- biodegradable materials.
So, the correct answer is, ‘Polythene’.

Additional Information: Fruits are organic substances which can be introduced by microorganisms and converted by the process of decomposition into simple organic substances. The fruits are made of cellulose and pectin that can be decomposed by the microbial secreted enzymes. The vegetable peels are biodegradable altogether. If these peels are decomposed, they are fully broken down and turned into compost or manure, which can be used in the soil as a fertilizer. Paper is biodegradable since it is made from plant materials and most of these materials are biodegradable. Paper is recycled easily and can be recycled 6 or 7 times before the paper fibers become too small for paper production. Therefore, it's called biodegradable waste.

- Biodegradable waste materials are those waste products that are and can be degraded by natural factors such as microbes (e.g. bacteria, fungi, etc.), abiotic elements such as temperature, UV, oxygen, etc. Food materials, kitchen waste, and other natural wastes are some examples of such waste. Together, microorganisms and other abiotic factors break down complex substances into simpler organic matter which ultimately suspends and fades into the soil.
- Unlike biodegradable waste, it is not easy to treat the non-biodegradable waste. Improved quality plastics are being used to give plastics a long-lasting effect. This made them more resistant to temperatures and longer lasting even after use.
- Scientists have taken forth many ideas like biodegradable plastics, etc. as part of the development of alternatives. They integrated plastics into some biodegradable materials and made them easily and quickly degradable. But that's quite a costly process.