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Which of the following constellation looks like a cluster of twinkling flames in the night sky?
Option A: Scorpio
Option B: Orion
Option C: Ursa Minor
Option D: Pleiades

Last updated date: 17th Apr 2024
Total views: 277.2k
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Hint: To solve this question, we will first learn what a constellation is. A constellation is a group of stars forming a pattern which is usually named after its apparent form or with identified mythological figure. In simple words, a constellation is a group of stars that make a pattern in the night sky.
Although the stars move, they stay in the same figure. A constellation can be used to locate specific stars in the sky. There are many constellations like Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Aries, Hercules.
To answer this question, we will draw the four constellations and check which one matches with the description given in the question.

Complete step by step answer:
A constellation is a group of stars that form a certain figure or a recognizable pattern, either a dog, bear etc. The four constellations given in the question are Scorpio, Orion, Ursa Minor, Pleiades.
Let us draw the four constellations.
Option A: Scorpio. Below is the constellation.
seo images

Option B: Orion. Below is the constellation.
seo images

Option C: Ursa Minor. Below is the constellation.
seo images

Option D: Pleiades. Below is the constellation.
seo images

The constellation that looks like twinkling flames in the night sky. It is also known as Seven sisters, Messier 45. They are the best example of an open star cluster, where all the stars are born around the same time from a gigantic cloud of gas and dust.
This is one of the constellations which is most appealing to naked eye.

Hence, the right option is Option D.

Having a clear idea about the constellations and their diagrams will help us solving this question. First, we need to understand the question and the statement given properly and then try finding the same pattern in the four options. There are many other constellations in the sky, constellations are useful in finding and locating certain stars in the sky.
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