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Which element has the smallest atomic radius (here)?
A. $\text{Na}$
B. $\text{Mg}$
C. $\text{B}$
D. $\text{N}$

Last updated date: 17th Apr 2024
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Hint: The options contain the elements from the different periods and different groups. Atomic radius is actually the distance between the nucleus and the last electron in that element. Check the general trends of atomic radius while moving along the period and group.

Complete answer:
Let us see the factors on which the atomic radius and the general trends of atomic radius:

Factors on which atomic radius dependsDefinitions Factor increases withSee the general trendEffect on atomic radius
Electron shellsThe circular orbitals around the nucleus in which electrons are revolving or energy shellsThe principal quantum number $\left( \text{n} \right)$. Increases atomic radiusIncreases while moving down the group
Nuclear chargeThe electrons and protons are oppositely charged, so there is an attractive force between the two. Atomic number Decreases atomic radiusDecreases along period
Shielding by electronsWhen outer electrons feel repulsive force from the already present inner electronsNumber of inner electrons from that electronIncreases atomic radiusThis reduces the effect of nuclear charge

A. $\text{Na}$: It is sodium which belongs to the third period and first group. According to the general trend, sodium will have maximum atomic size in its period and size decreases along the period and sodium is the first element.
B. $\text{Mg}$: It is magnesium which belongs to the third period and second group. Magnesium is placed just after sodium. According to the general trend, magnesium will have the second highest atomic size in its period after sodium because size decreases along the period and sodium is the first element.
C. $\text{B}$ : It is boron which belongs to the second period and thirteenth group. According to the general trend, boron has smaller size than metals and greater than non-metals. Atomic size decreases along the period and lithium is the first element.
D. $\text{N}$: It is nitrogen which belongs to the second period and fifteenth group. According to the general trend, nitrogen will have less atomic size than boron in its period.
The order of atomic size is $\text{Na}>\text{Mg}>\text{B}>\text{N}$. Nitrogen has the smallest atomic size.

The correct option is option ‘d’.

The size of inert gases does not follow the general trend of the periodic table. The reason is inert gases have Van der Waal radius. Inert gases do not form covalent bonds. The Van der Waals radius is larger than the covalent radius. Thus, the inert gases have the largest atomic radius in their respective periods.
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