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Which colour light has the highest frequency?

Last updated date: 26th Apr 2024
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Hint: The visible spectrum colours appear when white light is spread apart by a prism or a diffraction grating. The colours change depending on the wavelengths. Violet has the shortest wavelengths and the highest frequencies, while red has the longest wavelengths and the lowest frequencies.

Complete answer:
Visible light can also be measured using energy. The amount of energy contained in each wave is proportional to its frequency, which is an important property of all waves. The more energy a wave has, the higher its frequency, and vice versa. In the case of visible light, the violet colour has the highest frequency, which means it has the most energy. Similarly, because red has the lowest frequency, it has the least amount of energy.
Also, the inverse relationship between frequency and wavelength means that the highest frequency has the shortest wavelength. When it comes to visible light, violet has the highest frequency and therefore the most energy. The least energy is found in the lowest frequency of visible light, which is red.
$c = \nu \lambda $
Where, $c = $ speed of light in a vacuum.
$\nu = $ Frequency
$\lambda = $ Wavelength
Now on rearranging,
$\nu = \dfrac{c}{\lambda }$
We can see that wavelength is proportional to frequency in an indirect way, meaning that as wavelength decreases, frequency rises. E is an abbreviation for energy.
$E = h\nu $
Where, $h = $ Planck’s Constant

Try to remember both the wavelength and frequency values, as this will help you solve wavelength and frequency sums. Because wavelength and frequency are inversely proportional, knowing any of the values between the two will suffice.
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