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Last updated date: 06th May 2024
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Hint: Consider a perfume bottle or a water spray. It breaks the liquid inside it to fine droplets and forces it outside in a wide area. Define the working of these sprayers. Find the constituents and explain their works.

Complete step by step solution:
Atomising means that a large body is broken into smaller parts. Considering liquid, an atomiser breaks the liquid into smaller droplets or fine spray.

An atomiser is an instrument or device which reduces liquid into a fine spray. An atomiser works on the principle of airflow and suction. When horizontal air passes over a vertical tube it pulls the air and liquid inside the vertical tube.

An atomiser uses Bernoulli’s principle to spray liquid. The pressure inside the tube of the atomizer is relatively high. When we press the squeeze-pump at the top of the atomiser tube, the air passes horizontally above the tube at high speed. It causes an area of low pressure at the top of the atomizer tube and liquid from inside the tube flows from the region of high pressure to the region of low pressure.

At the top end of the atomiser tube, we have a nozzle which causes the liquid coming from inside the atomiser tube to break into smaller drops and mix it with air. Then it will break the water and disperse the mixture of air and water in a wide area.

Note: The initial working may be different in different types of atomisers. But, the main work of an atomiser which is to break the liquid into fine droplets and mix it with air to flow out of the atomiser is the same for all atomisers. This is done with the help of the nozzle.

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