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What is 1 divided by 0.2?

Last updated date: 13th Jun 2024
Total views: 354.9k
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Hint: Now we want to find the value of $1\div 0.2$. First we will convert 0.2 into fractions. Now we will convert the division into multiplication by writing the reciprocal of the fraction obtained. Hence we will simplify the expression and find the required solution.

Complete step by step solution:
Now we want to find the value of $1\div 0.2$ .
Now first we will convert the decimal into fraction.
Now first we note that the decimal is a terminating decimal with one digit after decimal point.
Hence we have $0.2=\dfrac{2}{10}$ .
Now we want to find the value of $1\div \dfrac{2}{10}$ .
Now we can convert the division into multiplication by converting the fraction into its reciprocal.
Now consider the fraction $\dfrac{2}{10}$ .
Now we know that the reciprocal of a fraction is written by writing numerator as denominator and denominator as numerator. Hence we get the reciprocal of $\dfrac{2}{10}$ is $\dfrac{10}{2}$
Hence we can say that $1\div \dfrac{2}{10}=1\times \dfrac{10}{2}$
Now we know that $\dfrac{10}{2}$ is equal to 5.
Hence we get, $1\div \dfrac{2}{10}=5$
Hence we have 1 divided by 0.2 is 5.

Note: Now note that here we can also convert the problem into fraction as can write division as fractions. Hence we want to find the value of $\dfrac{1}{0.2}$ . Now we know that the value of fraction does not change if we multiply the numerator and denominator with a constant number. Hence we will multiply the numerator and denominator by 10. Hence on simplifying the fraction we get the required solution.