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The general formula of alcohols is:
A. $C_{ N/2 }H_{ 2N+1 }OH$
B. $C_{ N }H_{ N+2 }OH$
C. $C_{ N }H_{ 2N }OH$
D. $C_{ N }H_{ 2N+1 }OH$

Last updated date: 17th Apr 2024
Total views: 401.4k
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Hint: We should know that Alcohols are the derivatives of hydrocarbons in which generally one of the hydrogen atoms in the alkane has been replaced by a hydroxyl group. Now you should try to answer it accordingly.

Complete step by step answer:

Now we will try to give a stepwise answer by using elimination method-

As we already know in general the formula of alcohol will contain a minimum one -OH group. But here all the formulae have -OH groups in them.
Now, we know that formula of alkane (which is a general hydrocarbon) is - $C_{ N }H_{ 2N+2 }$
We have to remove one Hydrogen from this formula so that we can attach the -OH group here -
So, after removing hydrogen the formula will be - $C_{ N }H_{ 2N+1 }$
And, now we will attach the -OH group in the above formula - $C_{ N }H_{ 2N+1 }OH$

Therefore, we can conclude that the correct answer to this question is option D.

Additional information:
As we already know this is the general formula for alcohols $C_{ N }H_{ 2N+1 }OH$
Now if we put N =1, we will get the simplest alcohol $CH_{ 3 }OH$, which is known as methanol.
For N = 2, the formula will be $C_{ 2 }H_{ 5 }OH$. It is known as ethanol, which has lots of applications.

Note: We should also know that the formula $C_{ N }H_{ 2N+1 }OH$ can also be converted to the form $C_{ N }H_{ 2N+2 }O$. Here, you have to notice that there is no significant change in the formula, we have only arranged the position of hydrogen.
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