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The following data was obtained from a survey. Find the mean of this data
Age (in years)Number of persons
Less than 105
Less than 2012
Less than 3016
Less than 4025
Less than 5045
Less than 6052
Less than 7060
Less than 8063

Last updated date: 23rd Apr 2024
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Hint: We will first create a table of class interval and frequency where class interval of age is taken as $0-10,10-20,20-30......70-80$.
Now we know that now once we have class interval we will find a class mark.
Classmark of interval a to b is given by $\dfrac{a+b}{2}$ .
Now the mean is given by $\dfrac{\sum{{{f}_{i}}{{x}_{i}}}}{\sum{{{f}_{i}}}}$ where ${{f}_{i}}$ are frequencies and ${{X}_{i}}$ is class marks.

Now first let us consider the table.
Age (in years)Number of persons
Less than 10 (0 – 10)5
Less than 20 (0 – 20)12
Less than 30 (0 – 30)16
Less than 40 (0 – 40)25
Less than 50 (0 – 50)45
Less than 60 (0 – 60)52
Less than 70 (0 – 70)60
Less than 80 (0 – 80)63

Now we first want to the data according to class Intervals $0-10,10-20,20-30......70-80$ .
Now we know that if there are 12 people with people age less than 20 and 5 people with age less than 10. Then the number of people between age 10 and 20 are 12 – 5 = 7
Similarly, we can find the data with class interval of $0-10,10-20,20-30......70-80$ .

Age (in years) (CLASS INTERVAL)Number of persons (FREQUENCY)
(0 – 10)5
(10 – 20)12 – 5 = 7
(20 – 30)16 – 12 = 4
(30 – 40)25 – 16 = 9
(40 – 50)45 – 25 = 20
(50 – 60)52 – 45 = 7
(60 – 70)60 – 52 = 8
(70 – 80)63 – 60 = 3

Now we know that class mark of interval a to b is given by $\dfrac{a+b}{2}$ .
Hence Now

Age (in years) (CLASS INTERVAL)CLASS MARKS$\left( {{X}_{i}} \right)$Number of persons (FREQUENCY) ${{f}_{i}}$${{X}_{i}}{{f}_{i}}$
(0 – 10)$\dfrac{0+10}{2}=5$525
(10 – 20)$\dfrac{10+20}{2}=15$12 – 5 = 7105
(20 – 30)$\dfrac{20+30}{2}=25$16 – 12 = 4100
(30 – 40)$\dfrac{30+40}{2}=35$25 – 16 = 9315
(40 – 50)$\dfrac{40+50}{2}=45$45 – 25 = 20900
(50 – 60)$\dfrac{50+60}{2}=55$52 – 45 = 7385
(60 – 70)$\dfrac{60+70}{2}=65$60 – 52 = 8520
(70 – 80)$\dfrac{70+80}{2}=75$63 – 60 = 3225

Now mean of data is given by $\dfrac{\sum{{{f}_{i}}{{X}_{i}}}}{\sum{{{f}_{i}}}}=\dfrac{2575}{63}=40.87$
Hence the mean of given data is 40.87.

Now note that the given data is in cumulative frequency format hence we cannot directly calculate the mean hence first we find the frequency of each interval and then calculate mean
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