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The city with the largest number of museums is?
A) London
B) New York
C) Delhi
D) Mexico

Last updated date: 16th May 2024
Total views: 384.6k
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Hint:The museum enables people to explore the collection for inspiration, learning and enjoyment. They are institutions that collect, protect and manufacture accessible cultural relics and specimens, and they are trusted by society.

Complete answer:
Largest number of museums: The City has a greater number of exhibition halls than some other city on the planet (150+ last time anyone checked). Not exclusively would you be able to discover colossal assortments of pre-Columbian, provincial and contemporary craftsmanship, there are curios showing Mexico's rich social, social, political and monetary legacy. The most popular public exhibition halls are the Anthropology and History Museum, the Natural History Museum, the Modern Art Museum, the San Ildefonso Museum, and the Temple Mayor museum.

There are additionally eccentric and fascinating themed historical centers around the city, for example, The Cartoon Museum, Shoe Museum, Pen Museum, Chile and Tequila Museum, Mexican Olympic Museum, and the superbly Interactive Economics Museum.

Mexico City is a destination greatly damaged by public perception. There are no more visible crimes here than in other metropolises in the world. Pollution is minimal and the traffic volume is much better than Sao Paulo or Mumbai. If you take proper precautions, you will hardly feel a change in altitude. Most people in the hotel industry speak English. The climate is mild throughout the year-even the whole summer is cool.

Thus, the correct answer is option (D).

Note: According to data from the National Council of Culture and Arts (Conaculta), Mexico City has the most museums in the world. It has more than 150 museums. These range from European art museums to museums dedicated to communication and learning, to science-centric museums, and so on.