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The chromium atom is represented as:
A) ${ Cr }_{ 24 }^{ 50 }$
B) ${ Cr }_{ 24 }^{ 52 }$
C) ${ Cr }_{ 52 }^{ 24 }$
D) ${ Cr }_{ 50 }^{ 24 }$

Last updated date: 20th Apr 2024
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Hint: Here we should know that chromium is represented by symbol Cr with its atomic number (right subscript) and atomic mass (right superscript).

Complete step by step answer:
We should know that Chromium is a chemical element with the symbol Cr and atomic number 24.
Chromium is the first element in group 6.
The atomic number of chromium is 24.
The atomic mass of chromium is 52.
To represent an element A having atomic number X and atomic mass Y, we have to follow a standard way of representation. This element A is represented by ${ A }_{ X }^{ Y }$.
Now let’s represent chromium in this standard way of representation. As we have already discussed, the atomic number of chromium is 24 and the atomic mass of chromium is 52.
Here we can represent it as,
${ Cr }_{ 24 }^{ 52 }$

Therefore we can conclude that the correct answer to this question is option B.

Additional information:
It is a steely-grey, lustrous, hard, and brittle transition metal. Chromium is the main additive in stainless steel, to which it adds anti-corrosive properties.

Note: You need to know that sometimes we found that the atomic number and atomic mass are written on the left side of the atomic symbol ( $_{ X }^{ Y }{ A }$ ), this way of representation of elements is also correct. (here, atomic number X and atomic mass Y)
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