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Tamarind tastes
A. Sweet
B. Sour
C. Salty
D. Bitter

Last updated date: 09th May 2024
Total views: 369.3k
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Hint: Tamarind is a tropical fruit, its taste depends upon the presence of acid present in them, which adds a different flavour to the tamarind. The wide variety of flavours also depend on the ripeness of the tamarind.

Complete answer:
Tamarind is a tropical fruit from the Tamarind tree also used as an additive flavour in cooking. The fruit develops in pods of seed and has a date-like feel. This texture, though, has little to do with its flavour. The flavour of tamarind fruit varies from sweet and tangy to sour and tart. The wide variety of flavours is due to the ripeness of the tamarind. The more matured and riper the fruit, the sweeter it is. However, the less ripe the Tamarind fruit, the sourer it tastes. It's sweet at first, and then the tarty sourness creeps up your throat. Tamarind lives as a sticky pulp once fresh out of the pod. This pulp is rich in tartaric acid, giving it a combination of a sweet and sour taste. Tamarind is also known as tamarind and Indian date; tamarind is rich in tartaric acid and gives a tart, soft or sour flavour to dishes and beverages. Tartaric acid is an antioxidant due to which tamarind flavour is sour. Tartaric acid is also found in grapes and bananas, but not in citrus fruit. The sourness of the tamarind varies from the sourness of the lemons and limes.
So, the correct answer is an option (B), i.e., 'Sour'.

Additional information: -
Tamarind has been shown to regulate lipid metabolism, ease detoxification and proper use of harmful and safe fats, etc. Tamarind intake is a simple way to keep healthy and youthful because of the antioxidants which prevent aging. This tasty fruit was used by many generations of pregnant women against nausea, morning vomiting, and overeating. Tamarind can be a better option to take care of the liver and should be used as a daily food in case of alcohol-induced or non-alcoholic liver-induced liver toxicity. Tamarind leaves are a perfect solution to inflammatory cycles, both acute and low-grade (chronic) inflammation, which is a very significant cause of most chronic diseases.

Note: Tamarind has a wide variety of health benefits, such as adequate vitamin C, and tamarind can minimize fever and high acidity, which serve as a coolant, and is used to help control body temperatures in hot equatorial climates where it is cultivated.