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What is reflection? Give two examples.

Last updated date: 16th Jun 2024
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Hint: Reflection is the phenomenon of bouncing back of the rays of light when they fall on an obstacle. It is similar to the bouncing of a ball when we throw it on a rigid surface.

Complete answer:
Reflection is the phenomenon of bouncing back of the rays of light when they fall on an obstacle. It is similar to the bouncing of a ball when we throw it on a rigid surface.
When light rays fall on an object, some of them are reflected, some pass through it and the rest of the light rays are absorbed by the object.
The objects that reflect all the light rays that fall on them are called mirrors. Therefore, mirrors show the phenomenon of reflection of light.
The example of the mirrors that show phenomenon of reflection are plane and spherical mirrors.

Additional Information:
Other phenomena related to bending of light is refraction and diffraction.
Refraction is the phenomenon of bending of a light ray when it travels from medium into another medium. The refraction of light takes place at the interface of the two mediums.
Diffraction is the phenomenon of light around a sharp edge of an obstacle.

The reflection of light ray at a mirror is understood by the laws of reflection which say that:
1) The incident ray, the reflected ray and the normal to the surface of the mirror at the point of reflection lie in the same plane.
2) The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.