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What was the real aim of Miss Beam's school?

Last updated date: 17th Jun 2024
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Hint: “A different kind of school” by “E.V. Lucas”, is a narrative about a one-of-a-kind school whose major goal is to teach youngsters how to empathise with others and be helpful. The story's author has a lot of information on Miss Beam's school. As a result, he decides to pay it a visit.

Complete answer:
Students are taught simple spelling, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and writing in school. The remainder is taken care of by reading to them and engaging in fun conversations. Every child has a blind day, a lame day, a wounded day, and a dumb day during the school year. This is to help them comprehend and appreciate their tragedy.

The author approached Miss Beam, who assured him that her teaching methods were straightforward. There was only one thing that was unusual, though. “The true goal of our school is not so much to teach thought as to teach thoughtfulness — kindness to others, and being responsible citizens,” she explained.

Note: “A Different Kind of School” teaches us that we must learn to be courteous of others in addition to receiving an education. Furthermore, we must always assist and be kind to persons with special needs. The author notices that after spending time at Miss Beam's school, he has become ten times more thoughtful. He also discovers that describing things to others gives him a lot of joy. Finally, we must be appreciative of what we have and utilise it to the fullest extent possible.