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What was the main purpose of the sugar act of 1764?
A. It raised taxes on sugar
B. It raised taxes on molasses
C. It strengthened enforcement of molasses smuggling laws
D. It required colonists to purchase only sugar distilled in great Britain

Last updated date: 03rd May 2024
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Hint: The Sugar Act 1764, otherwise called the American Revenue Act 1764 or the American Duties Act, was a revenue-raising act passed by the Parliament of Great Britain on 5 April 1764. The preface to the demonstration expressed: "it is practical that new arrangements and guidelines ought to be set up for improving the income of this Kingdom and it is simple and important that an income ought to be raised for settling the costs of guarding, ensuring, and making sure about the equivalent."

Complete answer:
The sugar Act 1733, which had forced a duty of sixpence per gallon of molasses, had never been successfully gathered because of pioneer avoidance. By lessening the rate significantly and expanding measures to uphold the duty, the British trusted that the assessment would really be gathered. These occurrences expanded the homesteaders' interests in the purpose of the British Parliament and helped the developing movement that turned into the American Revolution.
Sugar Act, likewise called Plantation Act or Revenue Act, (1764), in U.S. provincial history, British enactment pointed toward finishing the pirating exchange sugar and molasses from the French and Dutch West Indies and at giving expanded incomes to finance augmented British Empire duties following the French and Indian War. In reality a revitalization of the generally inadequate Molasses Act of 1733, the Sugar Act accommodated solid traditions implementation of the obligations on refined sugar and molasses brought into the settlements from non-British Caribbean sources.

Therefore, Option C is the correct answer.

Note: Fights had been gotten from America against the requirement of the Molasses Act, along with a supplication that the obligation is set at one penny for every gallon. Despite the fact that alerts were given that the traffic could bear close to that, the public authority of Prime Minister George Grenville would not tune in and put a three-penny obligation upon unfamiliar molasses in the demonstration (the introduction of which gruffly proclaimed that its motivation was to fund-raise for military costs). The demonstration in this manner allowed a virtual restraining infrastructure of the American market to British West Indies sugarcane grower. Early frontier fights at these obligations were finished when the duty was brought down two years after the fact.