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Let's divide a circle into 10 equal parts. Then, what is the measure of each central angle?
(a) 18°
(b) 72°
(c) 36°
(d) 30°

Last updated date: 13th Jun 2024
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Hint: A circle is a closed figure and round in shape. It covers one complete revolution and covers an angle of 360°. Divide this into 10 equal parts and find the answer.

Complete step-by-step answer:

A circle is a two-dimensional object which is round in shape and has no corners or edges. It is considered as one complete revolution about a fixed point called the center of the circle and the distance from this point to any point on the circle is called the radius of the circle.
One complete revolution is equal to 360° and we need to divide it into 10 equal parts.
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For splitting a quantity into equal parts, we use the arithmetic operation called division. The division is used to divide the quantity among many equal parts.
Hence, to find the answer, we need to divide 360° by 10. Hence, we have:
The measure of each central angle = \[\dfrac{{360^\circ }}{{10}}\]
To divide any quantity by 10, we just move its decimal point by one place to the left. Hence, we have:
The measure of each central angle = \[36.0^\circ \]
The measure of each central angle = \[36^\circ \]
Hence, the correct answer is option (c).

Note: We can also find the answer from the options itself. Multiply each option by 10 and choose the option that gives the result as 360°.