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What is the Kinetic Theory of matter in physics?

Last updated date: 16th May 2024
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Hint: In order to answer this question, first we will go through the concept of kinetic theory of matter, and then we will also discuss the assumptions of Kinetic gas theory. We will also discuss how the velocity of the particle determines its kinetic energy.

Complete answer:
The kinetic theory of matter claims that matter should be made up of particles that are always in motion. All particles should have energy, and particle energy is determined by temperature, which affects whether the substance exists in a solid, liquid, or gas state.
Matter molecules are in a constant state of motion. As a result, these molecules are described as having kinetic energy. The properties of different states of matter are explained by the kinetic particle theory. The energy levels of particles in solids, liquids, and gases vary. They're arranged in a variety of ways and move in a variety of ways.
Assumptions in Gas Kinetic Theory (1) Molecules are extremely little particles that make up every gas. A gas's molecules are all the same, but they differ from those of another gas. (2) A gas's molecules are spherical, rigid, and perfectly elastic point masses that are identical.
The kinetic energy of each particle is determined by its velocity. During a collision, energy is exchanged or transferred between particles, including atoms and molecules. According to the Kinetic Theory of Matter, matter is made up of a vast number of tiny particles that are constantly moving.

Note: Ron Kurtus' Kinetic Theory of Matter (revised 29 December 2017) According to the Kinetic Theory of Matter, matter is made up of a huge number of microscopic particles in constant motion, such as individual atoms or molecules. The Kinetic-Molecular Theory of Matter and the Kinetic Theory of Gases are other names for this theory.

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