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In what kind of tissue can goblet cells be found?

Last updated date: 03rd May 2024
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Hint: Simple epithelia, such as cuboidal, columnar, and pseudostratified epithelia, contain goblet cells, which are unicellular intraepithelial mucin-secreting glands. Their name comes from the fact that they have a goblet-like shape, with narrow bases and a large tip. Their job is to protect, lubricate, and catch hazardous particles on the epithelium's surface. Goblet cells are protective, yet they can also be harmful.

Complete answer:
There are four types of basic tissues in the body: Epithelial, Connective, Muscle and Nervous tissue. Goblet cells can be found in the epithelial tissue of the Gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts.
Goblet cells are simple columnar cells with an epithelial morphology that release mucins that create gels, such as MUC5AC. The merocrine mechanism of secretion is mostly used by goblet cells, which secrete vesicles into a duct.
Goblet cells are modified epithelial cells that release mucus on the surface of organ mucous membranes, especially those in the lower digestive system and airways.
They are mucous merocrine exocrine glands, according to histology. What exactly does that imply? Mucus is secreted by goblet cells, which are found in mucous glands. Exocytosis – merocrine glands – releases their product, which is packaged in vesicles inside the cell. They release their product on the surface of epithelium rather than in blood exocrine glands.
Goblet cells can be found in the epithelia of the small intestine and the respiratory tract. Goblet cells have a shape that reflects their function, with all of the organelles required for the creation of glycosylated proteins known as mucins.
Mucins are vital in collecting big particles breathed by air in the respiratory system. The amount of goblet cells decreases as you progress down the respiratory tree, whereas the number of club cells increases. This is because terminal bronchioles require different types of protection, which club cells may provide by breaking down inhaled toxins that goblet cells couldn't stop.

Goblet cells are spread among enterocytes in the small and large intestines. Their major job is to create mucus, which protects and lubricates the intestines' surface. Mucus collects harmful particles inhaled with air to protect the airway in the respiratory system, in addition to protecting the epithelial surface.