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Identity the onomatopoeic word in the following sentence :
The ball bounced noisily on the wooden floor.
a) Bounced
b) Noisily
c) Wooden
d) None

Last updated date: 22nd Mar 2024
Total views: 393.3k
Views today: 5.93k
MVSAT 2024
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Hint: Onomatopoeia is the process of creating a word that phonetically imitates, resembles, or suggests the sound that it describes. Such a word itself is known as an onomatopoeic word. Common onomatopoeias include animal noises such as “oink”, “ meow”, “roar”, etc.

Complete answer:
 In the given question, we are asked to identify the onomatopoeic word in the sentence – The ball bounced noisily on the wooden floor. In English, the term “onomatopoeia” means ‘the imitation of a sound'. Some other very common onomatopoeic words are – hiccup, zoom, bang, beep, moo, splash, etc.
Now, let us examine all the given options to find out the correct answer :
Option ‘a’ is Bounced. It means to move quickly up, back, or away from a surface after hitting it. For example, The ball bounced away and he chased it”.
Option ‘b’ is Noisily. It means something which is creating some sort of noise or loud sounds. For example, The neighbors fought noisily.
Option ‘c' is Wooden. It means something which is made of wood. For example A wooden chair, a wooden table, etc.
Option ‘d’ is None.
As we have analyzed all the given options, we can easily figure out the correct answer. In the sentence – The ball bounced noisily on the wooden floor, there is NO onomatopoeic word present. So, the correct answer is “Option d” , none.

If you are thinking of option ‘b’, noisily, to be the correct answer, think twice. Here, noisily is not specifying any kind of sound. We don’t know which kind of sound is being produced.

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