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Identify the type of irony in the following example:
Rapper Suga, of the record-breaking boy band BTS, is famous among his fans for his quiet character and lack of SNS (Social Networking Site) updates. In a short skit, he ends up playing the role of a talkative corporate employee who is addicted to SNS.
a. Situational irony
b. Dramatic irony
c. Verbal irony
d. Paradoxical irony

Last updated date: 24th Apr 2024
Total views: 408.3k
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Hint: Consider the form of irony in situations where the outcome is unforeseen.

Complete step-by-step answer:

Figures of speech are literary devices that enhance the figurative value of sentences. They are used in literature to add drama to the subject matter. The irony is a rhetorical figure of speech where the opposite of what is stated is intended. Sometimes, we unconsciously make use of irony when we state something that is sarcastic.
There are three types of irony- Dramatic irony, situational irony, and verbal irony.
Dramatic irony- Dramatic irony is employed in scenes where the reader and the audience are aware of a fact that the characters in a story themselves do not know about yet. Such forms of irony can add the elements of suspense or humor to the story.
Situational irony- This type of irony is also known as the irony of events. Situational irony is found in situations where the opposite of what is intended happens. An example of situational irony is when you skip class because you aren’t prepared for a test, but the teacher doesn’t give any tests.
Verbal irony- Verbal irony is found in situations where the speaker says something but means the opposite of it. Sometimes, verbal irony is mistaken for sarcasm. However, sarcasm, unlike verbal irony, has an element of meanness to it.
In the given question about the Rapper Suga, the type of irony is situational as the outcome couldn’t have been predicted by anyone. Therefore, the option ‘a’ is the correct answer.

Note: Option ‘d’ paradoxical irony isn’t a type of irony. Rather, a paradox is an independent figure of speech.
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