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Identify the plural form of the word “sheep” from the options given below.
A. Sheep
B. Sheeps
C. Sheepes
D. Sheepen

Last updated date: 14th May 2024
Total views: 332.2k
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Hint: There are many exceptions in the English language that remain the same in singular as well as plural form. One such example is news.

Complete answer:
The plural form of the word “sheep” is sheep only. It comes under the few exceptions of the English language which do not change their form when changed to plural from singular. Therefore, option a “sheep” is the right answer.
Option b “sheeps”,Option c “sheepes”, and option d “sheepen” are all incorrect. There are no such words in the English language. Suffix ‘-s’ is not added to “sheep” to make it plural. We can say one sheep or 100 sheep. Sheeps is wrong and so is sheepes or sheepen. Let us take examples for both singular and plural usage of the noun. E.g. for singular usage, ‘Sheep is a four-legged animal with a thick wooly coat of fur.’ (‘is’ is used with singular noun forms). Example of plural usage, ‘Sheep are walking all over the road.’ (‘are’ is used with plural noun forms).

Note: Most words are changed into their plural form by adding an -s towards the end but there are certain exceptions and you must remember these.