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Identify the participle phrase in the following sentence-
Glazed with barbeque sauce, the rack of ribs lay nestled next to a pile of sweet coleslaw.
a) the rack of ribs
b) next to a pile of sweet coleslaw
c) Glazed with barbeque sauce
d) lay nestled

Last updated date: 17th Apr 2024
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Hint: A participle is formed with the help of a verb but acts like an adjective that modifies nouns or pronouns. A participle phrase includes participles, modifiers, or objects to express a complete meaning or thought.

Complete answer:

 A participle phrase includes both present and past participle forms.
Example- (1) Sitting in the park, she decided to admire the clouds.
(2) I have written this in the book.
Here, (1) is expressed in the present participle phrase and (2) is expressed in the past participle phrase.
Let’s look at the question- We can understand that rack of ribs, glazed with barbeque sauce nestled next to a pile of sweet coleslaw. Here, ‘glazed’ is the past participle that modifies the noun, ‘rack of ribs’.
Let’s examine the given options-
Option a- ‘the rack of ribs’ represents the noun and acts as the subject in the sentence. Hence, it is an incorrect option.
Option b- ‘next to a pile of sweet coleslaw’ is a phrase that lacks a participle. Hence, it is an incorrect option.
Option c- ‘Glazed with barbeque sauce’ is the past participle phrase as it includes a past participle verb ‘glazed’ that acts as an adjective and modifies the noun ‘rack of ribs’. Hence, it is the correct option.
Option d- ‘lay nestled’ is the verb that performs the action in the sentence. Hence, it is an incorrect option.
So, the correct answer is “Option c”.

Remember, participle phrases act like an adjective that helps in modifying or describing a noun or a pronoun.
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