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How do you graph the line $ y = - x - 7 $ ?

Last updated date: 13th Jun 2024
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Hint: A graph of a function f is the set of ordered pairs; the equation of graph is generally represented as $ y = f\left( x \right) $ , where x and f(x) are real numbers. We substitute the value of x and we determine the value of y and then we mark the points in the graph and we join the points.

Complete step-by-step answer:
Here in this question, we have to plot the graph for the given function. A graph of a function is set of ordered pairs and it is represented as $ y = f\left( x \right) $ , where x and f(x) are real numbers. These pairs are in the form of cartesian form and the graph is the two-dimensional graph.
First, we have to find the value of y by using the graph equation $ y = - x - 7 $ . Let we substitute the value of x as $ 0 $ , $ 1 $ , $ 2 $ , and $ 3 $ .
Now we consider the value of x as $ 0 $ , the value of y is
\[ \Rightarrow y = - 0 - 7\]
 $ \Rightarrow y = - 7 $
Now we consider the value of x as $ 1 $ , the value of y is
\[ \Rightarrow y = - 1 - 7\]
 $ \Rightarrow y = - 8 $
Now we consider the value of x as $ 2 $ , the value of y is
\[ \Rightarrow y = - 2 - 7\]
 $ \Rightarrow y = - 9 $
Now we consider the value of x as $ 3 $ , the value of y is
\[ \Rightarrow y = - 3 - 7\]
 $ \Rightarrow y = - 10 $
Now we draw a table for these values we have

x $ 0 $ $ 1 $ $ 2 $ $ 3 $
y $ - 7 $ $ - 8 $ $ - 9 $ $ - 10 $

The graph plotted for these point is represented below:
seo images

Note: The graph is plotted x-axis versus y axis. The graph is two dimensional. By the equation of a graph, we can plot the graph by assuming the value of x. We can’t assume the value of y. because the value of y depends on the value of x. Hence, we have plotted the graph.