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Last updated date: 25th Apr 2024
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Hint: Snakes do not have legs so they can not move by walking . They move only by crawling i.e. by sliding from side to side along the ground.

Complete answer:
Snakes move using their flexible body.
They have a long spine with which ribs are connected.
Muscles connected to these ribs help the snake to move or crawl.
There are four ways of moving snakes.
>Serpentine method
>Concertina method
>Rectilinear method

Serpentine method:-
In this method snakes move in a wavy form. This type of method enables snakes to move at the greatest velocity.
Concertina method:-
In this method snakes move like a spring or accordion. Snakes twist its body by successively contracting and expanding like a spring and move.
It is also called lateral displacement. In this method the snake forms vertical waves and moves laterally.
Rectilinear method:-
In this method the snake crawls or moves in a straight line with its body’s stretching.

Note:Snakes do not have limbs so they cannot walk like other higher animals. They can crawl. Their movements rely on the scales and muscles.