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What happens when you mix an acid and a base together?

Last updated date: 16th May 2024
Total views: 338.1k
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Hint: Acids are generally those substances which are capable of donating a proton i.e. hydrogen atom to another substance while bases are those substances which are able to accept a hydrogen ion from an acid.

Complete answer:
Acids are generally sour in taste and it turns blue litmus paper to red. Bases are bitter in taste and turn red litmus paper into red. A base that can be dissolved in water is known by the term alkali and when these substances chemically react with acids they form salts.
 If we mix equal amounts of an acid and a base then two chemicals essentially cancel out each other and produce salt and water. Mixing equal amounts of a strong acid with strong base results in a neutral solution whose pH value remains 7 and this type of reactions are known as neutralization reactions.
 Hence we can say that when we mix an acid and a base together then salt formation takes place and water is also released this can also be explained by taking an example of mixing of hydrochloric acid represented by $HCl$ and base sodium hydroxide represented by the symbol $NaOH$ then the reaction can be shown as:
$HCl+NaOH\to NaCl+{{H}_{2}}O$
Here $NaCl$ is the salt produced.

If an equal amount of strong acid and an equal amount of alkali are reacting with each other then the rise in temperature will remain the same. This is because of the fact that the amount of energy released per gram will be the same.
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