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Fungi differ from algae in having:
(a) Chitinous cell wall and no chlorophyll
(b) Chitinous cell wall and chlorophyll
(c) Cellulosic cell wall and no chlorophyll
(d) Cellulosic cell wall and no chlorophyll

Last updated date: 17th Apr 2024
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Hint: Both fungi and algae have cell walls but these are made of different material and one has the colour pigment responsible for photosynthesis while the other lacks the pigment and takes to execute heterotrophs.

Complete answer:

Algae are the members of the kingdom Plantae.Fungi are the members of the Kingdom Fungi
These organisms are mostly aquatic and maybe found in fresh or marine water.These organisms are terrestrial and saprophytic hence found of dead
Algae are of three types: green algae, red algae and brown algae.Fungi also have sub groups named as phycomycetes,ascomycetes, basidiomycetes and deuteromycetes.
Algae possess photosynthetic pigments like chlorophyll and hence are autotrophs and can perform photosynthesis.Fungi do not possess photosynthetic pigments and hence are heterotrophs.
These organisms require light to perform photosynthesis and cannot survive in the absence of light.These organisms are heterotrophic and hence can survive without light.
The algal cell wall is mainly composed of cellulose.The fungal cell wall is mainly composed of chitin.
Algae store their food in the form of starch after photosynthesis.Fungi store their food in the form of glycogen and oil droplets
The body structure of algae is filamentous (usually)The body structure of fungi is pseudoparenchymatous
These contain uninucleate cells (septate)These may have multinucleated cells (aseptate)

So, the correct answer is a 'Chitinous cell wall and no chlorophyll.'

Note: Cyanobacteria commonly called blue green algae are the type of bacteria that also contain chlorophyll and initially were called as algae but now they are placed under Monera.
Similarly, due to the presence of cell wall fungi was said to be a plant but later located into a new kingdom as it lacks chlorophyll and is unable to make food of its own.