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What fraction of an hour is 30 minutes?

Last updated date: 17th Apr 2024
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Hint: We are asked to find what fraction of an hour is 30 minutes. We know that 1 hour is comprised of 60 minutes so from the unitary method we can say that 1 minute contains $\dfrac{1}{60}$ hours so 30 minutes contain $\dfrac{30}{60}$ hours or simplifying this fraction will give $\dfrac{1}{2}$ hour. Hence, 30 minutes is one half of an hour.

Complete step-by-step answer:
We are asked to find what fraction of an hour is 30 minutes so we need to know the relation between hour and minutes.
We know that 1 hour is comprised of 60 minutes or we can say that 60 minutes make 1 hour so from the unitary method we can say that 1 minute makes $\dfrac{1}{60}$ hour and 30 minutes will make $\dfrac{30}{60}$ hour and simplifying this fraction will give 30 minutes make $\dfrac{1}{2}$ hour.
  & 1\text{hour}=60\text{minutes} \\
 & \Rightarrow \text{1minute}=\dfrac{1}{60}hour \\
 & \Rightarrow 30\min utes=\dfrac{30}{60}hour=\dfrac{1}{2}hour \\
From the above conversion, we have seen that 30 minutes make $\dfrac{1}{2}$ hour or we can say that one half of an hour is 30 minutes.
Hence, one half of an hour is 30 minutes.

Note: Instead of doing all such calculations, you can also solve this problem as we need to find what part of 1 hour is 30 minutes. We know that 1 hour is divided into 60 minutes and 30 minutes is half of 60 minutes so we can say that 30 minutes is half of 1 hour.
From the above statement, we have found that one half of 1 hour or (an hour) is 30 minutes.