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Find the value of 20% of 2500.

Last updated date: 16th May 2024
Total views: 427.8k
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Hint: We shall be formulating the given problem by simple method of percentage by writing 20% as \[\dfrac{20}{100}\] and multiplying it by the given number 2500.

Complete step-by-step answer:
To understand the problem, we should know the concept of percentage.
Percentage is a number or ratio expressed as a fraction of 100. It is denoted by using percent sign '%'. In simplest form, percent means per hundred of a number.
If we have to turn a percentage into fraction or decimal, we just need to divide it by 100 and to change decimal or fraction into a percentage, we need to multiply it by 100.
In the question we are given to us, we have to formulate the percentage into decimal or fraction.
We shall understand the calculation concept by simple example before proceeding to the next step of our solution.
For example, we have been given 35% of x ( assuming x to be a number). Here, the term 'of' implies multiplication. Therefore, we express the above as \[\dfrac{35}{100}\times x\] and thus by performing algebraic operation we obtain the value required.
Here, in the question given to us we have 20%. Thus, it should be first expressed as fraction of 100, i.e.,
Also, the term 'of' is used, so multiplication of the fraction we just expressed has to be done with the number 2500.
Now, we shall express 20% of 2500 in the mathematical format.
We obtain it as,
\[\dfrac{20}{100}\times 2500\]
Proceeding further to our next step we have to solve the above and we shall attain the answer, i.e., 500.
Therefore, 20% of 2500 is 500.

Note: Students often make mistakes by adding 2500 to the final answer, which is 20% of 2500 is written as 500+2500=3000. This is the wrong answer.We can convert percentage into fraction by dividing it by 100 and multiplying with a given number which gives a solution and we can also convert fractions into percentage by multiplying it with 100.