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Fill in the blank with the correct passive form of the verb given in the bracket:

Alisha ____ a beautiful gift by her mother tomorrow. (give)

a) Will be given

b) Will give

c) Is given

d) Shall be given

Last updated date: 23rd Apr 2024
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Hint: We always use the past participle form or the 3rd form of the verb in Passive voice. Example- Driven, sung, etc

Complete solution:

Let us look at active and passive voice-

Active voice refers to a sentence in which the subject performs the action of the verb.

Example- She was driving a car.

A passive voice refers to a sentence in which the subject receives the action of the verb.

Example- The car was being driven by her.

Now, let’s look at the rules of converting a sentence from active to passive voice-

We interchange the position of the subject and the object.

Example- (1) She sings a song. (2) A song is sung by her. We can see a change in the position of the subject and the object in (1) and (2).

Put the corresponding helping verb or the auxiliary verb.

We always change the form of the verb in the past participle or the 3rd form of the tense of a verb.

We can also use the preposition ‘by’ to denote a relationship between the subject and the action.

In the given question: We can see the use of ‘tomorrow’. Hence, we will use the future tense form with the 3rd form of the verb ‘give’.

Let’s examine the given options-

Option a- ‘Will be given’ is the appropriate option, as we can see the use of ‘given’ which is the third form of the verb and ‘will’ which denotes an action that will be performed in the future. Hence, it is the correct option.

Option b- ‘Will give’ is an inaccurate option, as we do not use the base form of verbs (give) in the passive voice. Hence, it is an incorrect option.

Option c- ‘Is given’ is an inappropriate option, as we use ‘is’ in the present tense. Hence, it is an incorrect option.

Option d- ‘Shall be given’ is an inaccurate option, as we use ‘shall’ with the first person. Hence, it is an incorrect option.

Hence, the correct answer is option ‘a’.

Note: Keep in mind, we use ‘will’ with third-person subjects and ‘shall’ is generally used with first-person subjects.
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