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Express in Indian system of numeration, three million four hundred thirty-five thousand two hundred twenty-five.

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Hint: In Indian system of numeration, we don’t use the terms millions, billions, trillion etc. instead the terms which we use are lakhs, ten lakhs, crores, ten crores. Also, one million is equal to ten lakhs, ten million is equal to one crore, one billion is equal to hundred crores and so on.

Complete step by step solution:
Now we look at the given question, we are required to express three million four hundred thirty-five thousand two hundred fifty in Indian system of numeration.
First, we need to look at the largest value given in the number. Here the largest value is three million.
We know three million is equal to thirty lakhs, that is 30,00,000.
Next term is four hundred thirty-five thousand that is \[435 \times 1000 = 435,000\], in words it is four lakhs thirty-five thousand.
And the last term is a thousand two hundred twenty-five, which is simply 225.
To get the final answer, we need to add all the three terms.
That is \[30,00,000 + 435,000 + 225 = 34,35,225\]
In Indian system of numeration, we need to express the answer in terms of lakhs, so the answer will be 34,35,225 that is thirty-four lakhs thirty-five thousand two hundred twenty-five.

Note: If the total number of digits is 6, then we express the answer in lakhs, if the number of digits is 7, then the answer will be expressed in multiples of ten lakhs. If the number of digits is eight, then the answer will be expressed in crores.