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Eukaryotic chromosome is different from prokaryotic as these are made up of
a) RNA
b) DNA
c)DNA and lipid
d)DNA and histone

Last updated date: 16th May 2024
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Hint: The eukaryotic chromosome is present inside the nucleus and the prokaryotic chromosome lies in the nucleoid or they have an absence of membrane-bound organelle that encloses the genetic material. The eukaryotic chromosomes consist of DNA which is tightly wound around the proteins.

Complete answer:

Eukaryotic chromosome Prokaryotic chromosome
They have a linear chromosome present. They have a circular chromosome present in them.
They are found in the membrane-bound organelle known as the nucleus. They have not enclosed in a membrane-bound organelle but are present in a nucleus structure called a nucleoid.
In it, the DNA is wound around the histone proteins and there is the presence of further coiling and folding that occurs in the chromosome. In it, the DNA is present in supercoiled form due to the presence of nucleoid-associated proteins.
In one cell there can be the presence of one or more chromosomes. In one cell only a single chromosome is present.
The chromosome codes for a variety of proteins.The chromosomes code for a few proteins only.
They have the presence of multiple origins of replication. They have the presence of a single origin of replication.
The genetic material only replicates when it reaches the S-phase of the cycle. The genetic material replicates whenever required at any stage of the life cycle of the cell.

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So, the answer is ‘DNA and histone’.

Note: The genetic material in eukaryotes is enclosed within a membrane whereas, this membrane-bound organelle is absent in the prokaryotes. Due to which the chromosome remains in contact with the cytoplasm of the cell. the prokaryotes do not have the presence of histone proteins.