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Ecology deals with study of _______.
a.Living Beings
b.Relationship between living and non living components
c.Both A and B
d.None of the above

Last updated date: 14th May 2024
Total views: 378.9k
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Hint: Ecology is the study of relationships between living organisms and the physical environment they live in. It is the branch of science that establishes the relation between the biotic and abiotic components of the Environment.

Complete Step by Step Answer:
a.Living Beings: the science that deals with the study of only living beings is known as biology, which happens to be one of the most fundamental branches of science. However, biology as a science has nothing to do with anything that is non-living. So, it is an incorrect option.
b.Relationship between living and non living components: Since Ecology is the study of the relation between the biotic and the abiotic components of an environment, it is the right answer. Also, ecology is often regarded as a link between physics and biology.
c.Both A and B: Using the options above, we have already seen that the science dealing with living and nonliving things together is ecology, and that with only living things is biology. So, it is an incorrect option.
d.None of the above: We have already got the correct answer in the options above which leaves this option out of bounds. So, it is an incorrect option.

Note: While Biology deals with only living organisms, it is physics that deals with the study of non living organisms. Physics and Chemistry are often studied under a single subject known as Physical science. Ecology is the science that simply links the two sciences in the real and feasible world.