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Draw a percentage bar graph for the following data:

Total strength65565450
students passed in English36422723

Last updated date: 21st May 2024
Total views: 393.6k
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Hint: We first determine the formula to find the percentage of students passed in English. We take given data as two variables and find the percentages. Then we place them in a percentage bar graph to find out the illustration.

Complete step by step answer:
We find the percentage formula for the students who passed in English.
We are taking two variables x and y. x being the number of students passed in English in a single division and y being the total strength in that same division.
So, there are four divisions named A, B, C, D.
We find the percentage theorem as $\dfrac{{{x}_{i}}}{{{y}_{i}}}\times 100$ where $i=A,B,C,D$.
For division A the percentage is $\dfrac{36}{65}\times 100=55.38$.
For division B the percentage is $\dfrac{42}{56}\times 100=75$.
For division C the percentage is $\dfrac{27}{54}\times 100=50$.
For division D the percentage is $\dfrac{23}{50}\times 100=46$.
Now we make a table to illustrate this

Divisionstotal strength(y)students passed in English(x)percentages (%)

We place the data to find the percentage bar
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Percentage bar graph is used to find the comparison. The data of a single variable should be put under a single bar. We can also relate it with the numbers of students failing the English examination.