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Draw a labelled diagram of the human heart and label its parts.

Last updated date: 16th May 2024
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Hint: Mostly in the human body, among the most significant organs, is the heart. It is also the chief organ of the pulmonary system. Structurally, a rather complex muscular bag that is divided by a septum is the human heart. It is situated between the lungs in the upper thoracic cavity at the middle of our chest.

Complete answer: The heart consists of four chambers:
i. The right atrium gathers and pumps blood to the right ventricle from the veins.
Blood from the right atrium is collected by the right ventricle and pumped into the lungs where it is filled with oxygen.
ii. The left atrium collects and pumps oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left ventricle.
iii. The left ventricle (the strongest chamber) pumps the rest of the body with blood rich in oxygen. Our blood pressure is created by strong left ventricle contractions.
iv. The right ventricle is involved in the pulmonary circulation, i.e. it pumps deoxygenated blood to the lungs.

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Note: One of the most important organs in our body is the heart. The heart remains in a healthy state with physical exercise, a healthy diet and a fresh mind. We have to take care of our heart, as even a minute cardiac problem can cause a range of complications, sometimes even leading to death. It can cause a condition called coronary artery disease. Cholesterol plaques can narrow the arteries supplying the heart with blood over the years. The narrowed arteries are at greater risk (this blockage is called a heart attack) of full blockage from a sudden blood clot.