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Why does tolerance have special importance in our country?
A) Presence of people belonging to different religions, creeds, cultures and customs
B) Diversity is preserved
C) Encourages to think about others with concern
D) All of above

Last updated date: 25th Apr 2024
Total views: 287.7k
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Hint: A country is a unique political or territorial entity . It's also known as a person's birthplace, home, or citizenship country. A nation can be a sovereign state or a portion of a larger state, as a non-sovereign or formerly sovereign political division, a physical territory with a government, or a geographic region.

Complete answer:
People of various religions, creeds, cultures, and customs reside here, so tolerance is very important. As a result, tolerance and broadmindedness are required of all people. It is possible to keep diversity intact. Our social lives are better for it. It motivates us to be concerned about others.

Religious tolerance is essential for people to get along in society, especially when people of many cultures and religious beliefs reside in the same community or country. In a society that respects religious freedom, religious tolerance fosters unity and consistency.

Different religious beliefs are unavoidable in a community made up of people from many civilizations. According to the Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry, the world's population includes more than 2 billion Christians, 14 million Jews, 1 billion there are 150 million Muslims in the world, as well as 150 million atheists. Religious tolerance becomes even more vital as a means of respecting others, even when their beliefs differ from one's own, with so many neighbours practising different beliefs.

Tolerance has special importance in our country because the presence of people belonging to different religions, creeds, cultures and customs, diversity is preserved, encourages to think about others with concern

Therefore the correct answer is option ‘D’.

Note: Tolerance refers to the ability to endure a painful or unpleasant experience. It refers to one's aptitude or readiness to tolerate the existence of opposing viewpoints or behaviours. It entails appreciating others' viewpoints that differ from our own.