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Why does one get hurt on jumping from a great height to the floor?

Last updated date: 23rd Apr 2024
Total views: 328.2k
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Hint:The term "impulse" refers to the measurement of a force's overall effect over time. We may make a direct link between how a force behaves on an object over time and the object's motion due to the impulse-momentum theorem.

Complete answer:
When you jump from a higher altitude, you achieve a higher velocity before landing, resulting in a greater downward momentum at the point of landing. The momentum must shift to zero in an instant when the human lands. According to the second law of motion by Newton, the force exerted is directly proportional to the rate of change of momentum.

The second law of motion by Newton tells that the acceleration of an object caused by a net force is directly proportionate to the magnitude of the net force, in the same direction as the net force, and inversely proportional to the mass of the object.

Since the time it takes to lose momentum is the same in both situations, which are jumping from a great height to a heap of sand and jumping from a great height to the floor. Except that we have more momentum to lose when we jump from a higher height, it takes more force to bring us to a stop if we jump from a higher height. This is why we injure ourselves as we jump from a higher point to the floor.

Note:When a human jumps on sand rather than concrete, they are less likely to be damaged because sand causes the body to sink and therefore releases weight, but a concrete floor is harder than water and is not scattered like sand grains. Loose sand may not cause much damage, and the sliding body takes longer to interpret the ground.
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