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How does bile get to the small intestine? How do the enzymes produced by the pancreas get to the small intestine?

Last updated date: 17th Apr 2024
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Hint: Bile is a fluid that is present in the vertebrates and it is produced by the liver but is stored in the gallbladder of the vertebrates.

Complete answer:
1)When the digestion process occurs, the stored bile from the gallbladder and the liver flows through the bile duct. The bile duct is a common duct that is made up of two ducts that are the hepatic duct and the cystic duct. The hepatic duct arises from the liver and brings bile from the liver whereas the cystic duct arises from the gallbladder and brings bile from the gallbladder.

2)The bile coming through the common bile duct enters the small intestine through a regulating muscle known as sphincter of oddi.

3)The pancreatic enzymes reach the small intestine through sphincter of oddi with the help of hepatopancreatic duct which is also made up of two ducts known as common bile duct and the pancreatic duct.

Note: Bile is a very important fluid that helps in digestion by facilitating digestion and emulsification of fats. The hepatopancreatic duct is also known as the Ampulla of vater. The enzymes produced by pancreas are lipases, proteases,amylases that are together known as the pancreatic enzymes or pancreases. Pancreatic enzymes also help in digestion by facilitating digestion of fats, carbohydrates and proteins.