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Distinguish between cardiac muscle and striated muscle.

Last updated date: 13th Jun 2024
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Hint: The word cardiac is related to heart while the word striated is related to strips. The muscle cells are highly elongated and contractile and are called muscle fibre. These can contract along their longitudinal axis up to one-third or one-half of their length.

Complete answer:
Following are the differences between cardiac and striated muscles:
Striated musclesCardiac muscle
These are generally present in limbs, tongue, pharynx and beginning of Oesophagus.The cardiac muscle is found in the myocardium of the heart.
These muscles are generally present in the form of bundles.These muscles are generally present in the form of a continuous network.
These are long and cylindrical with blunt ends.These are short and cylindrical with flat ends.
Multinucleate nuclei are present at the peripheral of the cell.Uninucleate nuclei are present in the central part of the cell.
Myofibrils are present in dark and light bandsThe dark and light bands are absent.
It supplies the nerve from the central nervous system.It supplies the nerve from the central nervous system and the autonomous nervous system.
The striated muscle fibres are unbranchedCardiac muscle fibres are branched.
It contracts rapidly for a short period and soon gets fatigued.It contracts rapidly, rhythmically and never gets fatigued.

Additional Information:
 -Myoblasts are the muscle forming embryonic cells.
-Epimysium is a sheath of connective tissue covering the whole muscle.
-Perimysium is a sheath of connective tissue covering a bundle of muscle fibres.
-Endomysium is a sheath of connective tissue covering a single muscle fibre.
-The muscular tissues are formed from the mesoderm layer of the embryo.

Note: The cardiac muscles resemble the skeletal muscles in structure while are similar to smooth muscles in function. These muscles are also found in the walls of the pulmonary vein and the superior vena cava.