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Differentiate between the Early Vedic Age and the Later Vedic Age with reference to its Economy.

Last updated date: 07th May 2024
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Hint: The Vedic Age was a pivotal period in Indian history. Early Vedic Period (c.1500 – 1200 BCE) and Later Vedic Period (c.1100 – 500 BCE) are the two periods of Vedic history. The explanation for this is that culture changed dramatically between the time the first Vedas were written and the time later Vedic scriptures appeared.

Complete answer:
The Vedic era, or Vedic age, is the period in India's history between the end of the urban Indus Valley Civilisation and the beginning of a second urbanisation in the central Indo-Gangetic Plain around 600 BCE, when the Vedas were composed in the northern Indian subcontinent.

In India, the Vedic era spans the Late Bronze and Early Iron ages. After the Indus Valley Civilization, it began in northern India. The Brahmanical philosophy influenced the development of various Vedic texts during the Kuru Reign, which was a tribal union of various Indo-Aryan tribes.
Early Vedic Age Later Vedic Age
The title of King was not hereditary.The throne of the King became hereditary.
As a result of the battle, the king received booty and a voluntary gift in the form of Bali.Officials were appointed to raise money from citizens on a daily basis.
Sabha and samiti were extremely important.Sabha and samiti had lost a lot of their clout.
The barter system was more common in the Early Vedic Period, with little or no monetary value transactions taking place.Although the barter system was still in use, it had been largely replaced by the Krishnala system of exchanging gold and silver coins.
Built rudimentary administration framework.Built an efficient administration system.

Note: Women were allowed more independence and political participation up to a point during the early Vedic era, and the caste system was based on occupation, but in the later Vedic period, women were assigned more docile roles, and the caste system became more rigid and was based on the person's birth.
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