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Differentiate between cell wall and cell membrane.
a. Cell-wall permeable, cell-membrane -selectively permeable
b. Cell wall- living, cell membrane- non living
c. Cell wall- non living, cell membrane-living
d. Both A and C

Last updated date: 19th Apr 2024
Total views: 390.9k
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Hint: The cell wall is the outer layer of the cell. It covers outside the cell membrane. It consists of cellulose, carbohydrates, hemicellulose, lignin and pectin. Cell membrane is present in plant cells. It is also known as plasma membrane.
It is semi permeable in nature. Its composition includes proteins and lipids.

Complete answer:
Cell is a basic building block of life. It is the fundamental unit of an organism.
The function of cell wall is:
- It prevents the cell from outer damage and maintains and regulates the cell growth.
- It provides strength and shape to the cell.
- It stores carbohydrates.

The function of cell membrane is
- Maintains the integrity of the inner cell.
- Maintains the shape of the cell.
- Maintains the cell growth and balance.
- It has a major role in communication.
- It only allows selective substances to enter the cell.

Cell wallCell membrane
Present only in plantsPresent in all types of cells
The most outer layer of cell of plant cellThe outermost layer of animal cell
It is 0.1um to several um.It is 7.5-10 nm.
Thick and rigidThin and delicate
Protects cell externally Protects cell internally
Metabolically inactive Metabolically active
Grows in thicknessDoes not grow
Fully permeableSelectively permeable

Hence, the correct answer is option (D).

Note: The term “cell” was given by Robert Hooke in 1665. Cell is the structural and functional building block of the body. There are various types of cell according to function and organs in the body.