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Why is the difference between the duration of day and night hardly felt at Kanyakumari but not so in Kashmir?

Last updated date: 17th Apr 2024
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Hint: The regions which are located near the equator have day and night almost of the same duration. In the northern Hemisphere, India is located. In India, the tropic of cancer passes by almost the centre which is 23.5-degrees latitude.

Complete answer:
The Tropic of Cancer which is an imaginary line, in India passes at the latitude 23.5-degree latitude. It divides India into almost equal halves and it passes by eight states in India. In the northern hemisphere, India is located. Above the equator which is 0° latitude, India is located.
At the 0° latitude, India is located. The sun falls directly at noon on spring and fall equinoxes at the equator. The length of both day and night are considered for every day of the year which means 12 hours day and 12 hours night. Due to the equator, the earth is divided into two parts which are the northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere.
Kanyakumari which is in Tamil Nadu located in South India lies close to the equator whereas the distance between Kashmir and the equator is far as it is located in the north of India and the position of India is above the equator. Since Kanyakumari is located near the equator therefore the difference in day and night is almost 1 hour but Kashmir is located 30° from the equator which makes a difference in day and night more.

Note: Regions which are located near the Equator have an equal duration of both day and night. The position of India is above the equator, in the northern hemisphere. Kashmir is located far from the equator therefore the difference in day and night is more there as compared to Kanyakumari. Since Kanyakumari is located near the equator therefore the difference in day and night is almost 1 hour but Kashmir is located 30° from the equator which makes a difference in day and night more.
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