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Choose the correct meaning of the given proverb-
The pen is mightier than the sword.
a) A pen lasts longer than the sword.
b) You can bring about a better change through words than through violence and force.
c) If the pen and sword were to fight, the pen would win.
d) Pens are made with Damascus steel.

Last updated date: 23rd Apr 2024
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Hint: A proverb is a short saying that states a general truth or advice. They are popular as they are told and retold through generations, incorporated in books and stories that grandparents narrate to children.

Complete answer : Proverbs have deeper meaning than the one you perceive at first. The given proverb is a general truth, the written word (pen) is more powerful than war and violence (denoted by a sword). This is something that has been seen throughout our history. It was because of the written word (in the form of newspapers and periodicals) that India united to fight for its independence, as opposed to the divide and rule policy which the British implemented to keep the people at war with one another.
Let us examine all the given options to find out the correct answer :

>Option ‘a’ – A pen lasts longer than the sword. This phrase is conveying a literal meaning of the given idiom, which is not correct. So, this option is incorrect.
>Option ‘b’ – You can bring about a better change through words than through violence and force. This option is seeking the metaphoric meaning which the given idiom is trying to convey, this is the correct option.
>Option ‘c’ – If the pen and sword were to fight, the pen would win. This option is completely baseless and illogical. This is not the correct answer.
>Option ‘d’ – Pens are made with Damascus steel. This option is also a baseless fact. It has no relatable meaning to the given phrase/proverb. So, this is also an incorrect option.
As we have analysed all the given options, we can easily figure out the correct answer. Here, the correct meaning of the proverb “The pen is mightier than the sword” is option ‘b’ – You can bring about a better change through words than through violence and force.

Hence, option ‘b' is the correct option.

Note:Many times you need to know the metaphorical meaning of the given proverb. Proverbs don’t usually have a literal meaning, they only have a deeper, metaphorical meaning.

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