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Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:
Where ___ Paul always ____ to play tennis?
a)Was, goes
b)Were, go
c)Do, goes
d)Does, go

Last updated date: 20th Apr 2024
Total views: 407.1k
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Hint: The subject and the verb must be compatible in number for the justified use of Subject-verb agreement.

Complete step-by-step answer:

As given in the hint, the subject and the verb should either be in the singular form or the plural form.
Let’s look at the given options:
Where was Paul always goes to play tennis? – The subject ‘Paul’ is in the singular form. So, we have used the singular form of the past tense ‘was’. But ‘goes’ represents the use of present tense form. We cannot use two different tenses in a single sentence unless we are referring to two different subjects or actions. Hence, it is an incorrect option.
Where were Paul always go to play tennis? – The subject ‘Paul’ is in the singular form but ‘were’ is in the plural form. Also, ‘go’ is in the present tense form, whereas ‘were’ is in the past tense form. Hence, it is an incorrect option.
Where do Paul always goes to play tennis? – The subject ‘Paul’ is in the singular form but ‘do’ is used for plural subjects. Hence, it is an incorrect option.
Where does Paul always go to play tennis? – The subject ‘Paul’ is in the singular form and the verb ‘does’ is also in the singular form. The sentence is grammatically correct. Hence, this is the right option.
The correct answer is Option ‘d’.

Note: The tense of the verb depends on the time of the action being performed.
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