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A dehydration synthesis reaction is also known as
A) A Condensation reaction
B) A hydrolysis reaction
C) An isometric reaction
D) An energy-releasing reaction

Last updated date: 11th May 2024
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Hint: There are so many processes of making starch in our body that take place with the help of a synthesis reaction. Dehydration is a very important process that is useful in both biologically and chemically formed reactions forming disaccharides like sucrose and to convert Alcohols to Ethers. Dehydration synthesis is the process of joining two molecules or compounds together.

Step by step answer:‘Dehydration is the term which stands for removal of water. Dehydration is the synthesis reaction where polymerization occurs in which the monomers are bound together which
releases water as the end product or precipitate.
Option A: A condensation reaction: Dehydration synthesis is a reaction where two small molecules are
joined chemically. Dehydration and condensation both the terms stand for ‘losing water’. So, dehydration synthesis reaction is known as a condensation reaction.
Option B: A hydrolysis reaction: Hydrolysis reaction is termed as breaking bonds and releasing energy.
Option C: an isometric reaction: It is the type of skeletal muscle contraction in which the length of the
muscles remain constant but pressure increases.
Option D: Energy releasing reaction: chemical reactions which release energy during the formation of the bond is called energy-releasing reaction. Energy releasing reaction is also known as Exothermic Reaction.
Thus, the answer is option A: A condensation reaction.

Note: Dehydration synthesis is classified into a type of chemical reaction. A chemical reaction is a process where chemical substances called reactants which are transformed into a new substance are called products. In a condensation reaction, water is lost to form large molecules.