The Directorate of Medical Education and Research (DMER) in Tamil Nadu has announced an extension of the registration date for the Tamil Nadu National Eligibility cum Entrance Test Undergraduate (NEET UG) 2023 counseling. Those who are interested in participating in the counseling process can now apply by visiting the official website
According to an official notification, the decision to extend the application deadline was made in response to numerous representations received from candidates. This extension allows for the receipt of applications for MBBS/BDS courses during the academic year 2023-2024 session.
To summarise, the DMER Tamil Nadu has prolonged the registration period for NEET UG 2023 counseling in order to accommodate the requests and interests of the candidates. Applicants can submit their applications for MBBS/BDS courses by visiting, the official website.
Step 1: Open
Step 2: Click on the ‘MBBS and BDS degree courses’ link
Step 3: Click on the application form after reading the prospectus
Step 4: Enter the details mentioned on the form
Step 5: After registration login with your application number
Step 6: Fill the required information and upload the asked documents
Step 7: Review and pay the registration fees
Step 8: Submit and download the application form for future reference
The revised schedule allows interested candidates to apply for NEET UG 2023 counseling until 5 pm on July 12, 2023, instead of the earlier deadline of July 10. The application fee of Rs 500 can be paid online through the bank payment portal. Candidates have the opportunity to register for Round 1, the mop-up round, and the stray round, while Round 2 does not allow fresh registrations.