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CBSE Class 6 Social Science Worksheet Chapter 25 Vital Villages, Thriving Towns


CBSE Class 6 Social Science Worksheet Chapter 25 Vital Villages, Thriving Towns - Free PDF With Solutions

Social Science is one of the most important subjects in CBSE class 6. The subject has various important chapters, one of which is Vital Villages Thriving Towns. There are important sections in this chapter that students must focus on. It is a subject in which students can get good marks if they thoroughly concentrate on this chapter. 

Though, it can be difficult to learn and remember such topics as they have various information about kings, kingdoms, civilization, cultivation etc. But a great way to understand this topic easily is to revise it from a PDF.

PDFs and worksheets are the new way of studying, and students can cover various lengthy topics like this in one go. Chapter 25, Vital Villages and Thriving Towns, explains the growth of different cities, villages, revenues and kingdoms of early times. A well-curated worksheet and PDF can help the students to learn the concepts easily. Moreover, these PDFs contain everything about the chapter starting from the summary to Vital Villages and Thriving Towns Class 6 notes. It is great to grasp the topic easily.  

Access Worksheet for Class 6 Social Science Chapter 8 - Vital Villages, Thriving Towns

1. Fill in the Blanks:

  1. The use of iron began in the subcontinent ____ years ago.

  2. Around ___ years ago, the use of iron tools started.

  3. Within the Tamil region, giant landowners were called _____.

  4. In the Tamil region, ordinary ploughmen were known as ____.

  5. In the Tamil region, slaves were known as ____.

2. State True or False.

  1. In the northern part of the country, village heads were known as grihapatis. 

  2. In the northern part of the country, independent farmers were known as gramabhojaka. 

  3. Mathura was located at the intersection of two important trade routes. 

  4. The village headman was tasked with a variety of tasks. 

  5. On the Gulf of Khambhat was the city of Barygaza. 

3.  Multiple Choice Question(MCQs)

(i) For which thing the Mathura is famous for?

  1. Religious centre

  2. Forested area

  3. Port

  4. All of these

(ii) What type of irrigation was practised in ancient times?

  1. Canals



  1. Wells



  1. Tanks

Water Tanks

Water Tanks

  1. All of these

(iii) For which things the ringwell was used ?

  1. Bathing

  2. Washing cloths

  3. Irrigation

  4. Drainage

(iv) Who were the grama bhojaka?

  1. Village head men

  2. Ordinary people of the village

  3. Educated persons

  4. Illiterate persons

4. Match The Following:

Column A

Column B



A literature


Ring well

Association of merchants



Used as drainage



Method of watering plants

5. Choose the correct option.

(i) The coins of Punch mark were made of ______________.

  1. Silver 

  2. Tin 

  3. Gold

  4. Ivory 

(ii) What was the use of ring wells? 

  1. Washing clothes

  2. Bathing 

  3. Irrigation

  4. Drainage

6. Define the following:

(i) Vellalar 

(ii) Weapons 

7. Write the Name of a few locations where Northern Black Polished Ware was discovered.

8. Why were the early coins referred to be "puch marked coins"?

9. Explain Shrenis.

10. State the number of jobs that the young man in the Jataka tale has had.

11. Where is the biggest concentration of iron tools and weapons to be found?

12. What was Pondicherry's previous name?

13. Describe Dasa Karmakara.

14. Give a brief on Gram Bhojaka.

15. Why do you use the term, Arretine Ware?

16. What functions did Grama Bhojaka perform?

17. Why was Arikamedu so crucial?

18. Write a Brief on Mathura. 

19. Describe the naming process for the poetry design.

20. Why did India have significant wealth from 200 to 300 BCE?

21. Describe the significance of Arikamedu.

22. What did aqueducts do? Why did the Roman emperor construct such massive aqueducts?

23. What exactly is Sangam literature, and when was it written?

24. Who were the Kadaisiyars?

25. Sangam, the name given to Tamil literature, why?

Answers to the worksheets:

1. Fill in the blanks

  1. 3000

  2. 2000

  3. Vellalar

  4. Uzhavar

  5. adimai

2. True or false

  1. False

  2. False

  3. True

  4. True

  5. True

3.  (i) (a) Religious centre

(ii) (d) All of these

(iii) (d) Drainage

(iv) (a) Village head men


Column A

Column B



Method of watering plants


Ring well

Used as drainage



Association of merchants



A literature

(i) Method of watering plants - Irrigation is the process of applying water to the soil artificially using tubes, pumps, and sprays.

(ii) Used as drainage - Ring wells were constructed by stacking pots or ceramic rings one on top of the other. Drains and garbage dumps were both used in ring wells. These were occasionally used as toilets.

(iii) Association of merchants – The association formed by the craftspersons and merchants was called a shren.

(iv) A literature - Sangam refers to a meeting of wise men. 'Sangam Literature' refers to the literature gathered at such gatherings.

5.  (i) (a) Silver

Due to  their manufacturing method, such coins are referred to as 'punch-marked' coins. These bear insignia, which were mostly made of silver and punched on the coin with different punches, were mostly made of silver.

(ii) (d) Drainage

In some cases, these appear to have been utilised as toilets, as well as drains and waste dumps.

6. (i) Vellalar were Tamil landowners.

(ii) Tolls are employed in conflicts to eliminate opponents.

7. Chandraketugrah, Mahasthan, and Bangarh are where Northern Black Polished Ware was first found.

8. Early coins were referred to as "punch-marked coins" because metals were perforated with patterns.

9. Shrenis were the names of craftsmen and traders. They went by the name Vaishyas as well.

10. Three

11. Megalithic burials.

12. Arikamedu

13. People who worked in other people's fields for a living were known as dasa karmakaras.

14. The inhabitants of the villages in northern India were a heterogeneous population. The name of the local headman was Grama Bhojaka. It was a position in a hierarchy. In the village, Grama Bhojaka performed a range of services. He was responsible for upholding law and order and settling interpersonal disputes.

15. Arretine Ware was a red-glazed ceramic with sealed decoration. Wet clay was ironed into a sealed mould to make this.

16. The largest landowner was known as the "gramabhojaka." To work the land, he employed people and kept slaves. He was strong because the monarch gave him the crucial task of collecting taxes from the villages. He was both a police officer and a judge.

17. A significant commercial hub existed in Arikamedu between 2200 and 1900 years ago. Wheeler claims that Arikamedu, a Tamil fishing community, was previously a significant Chola port dedicated to bead manufacturing and commerce with Roman traders.

18. Mathura was an important settlement about 2500 years ago.

19. Mathura was a major city because of its advantageous position. Mathura's strategic location at the confluence of two important trade routes was very beneficial for commerce. On all sides, Mathura had been fortified. Mathura became the Kushanas' secondary capital about 2000 years ago. In Mathura, the devotion to Lord Krishna is still practised.

20. Between 200 BCE and 300 BCE, there were more craftsmen and artisans. Due to this increase, India's trade and trading partners expanded. In addition, India witnessed an increase in technical understanding among artisans and craftspeople, which was welcomed and taken into consideration by many others. This contributed to the market's and trade's phenomenal expansion.

21. One of the first known bead manufacturing centres in the Indo-Pacific was the Indo-Roman trading city of Arikamedu. The Periplus of the Erythraean Sea, an anonymous Greco-Roman work from the first century CE that listed the ports and well-known coastal features of the Indian Subcontinent, made reference to the location.

22. Aqueducts were enormous water supply conduits. These aqueducts were constructed by Roman emperors to supply water to the city's baths, fountains, and latrines.

23. Sangam literature refers to some of the very first Tamil writings. They were written somewhere between 2300 and 1500. Because they were written and assembled at poets' gatherings, or Sangam, which were held in the city of Madurai, these works were given the name Sangam.

24. Those without land in the Tamil area are called kadaisiyars.

25. Literally, the word "Sangam" means "association." In this instance, it alludes to a group of Tamil poets who were active in ancient southern India. Tradition has it that the first Tamil Sangam in Madurai was presided over by the Ancient Tamil Siddhar Agastyar. The Sangam Period encompasses this time frame.

What you will Learn from the Topic Vital Villages and Thriving Towns? There are many important things that students are going to learn in this chapter. This chapter is vital for class 6 students as it tells them about our culture, art, and other activities in different kingdoms and civilizations. Some advantages of this chapter are listed below: 

  • In the chapter Vital Villages and Thriving Towns, students explore different aspects of the past urbanization and agricultural intensification.

  • Students can learn about early urban centres, different coastal, religious centres, towns, capitals etc.

  • One of the most important things this chapter teaches is the reconstruction of early times' social and economic history.

  • Vital Villages and Thriving Towns build the right foundation for different crafts, pottery, cloth-making and the development of ancient India. 

Some Examples Questions for Vital Villages and Thriving Towns Chapter 

Here are some questions based on the chapter Vital Villages and Thriving Towns. Students can solve these questions related to the chapter:

1. Fill in the blanks with the correct options.

  • Where the largest collection of iron tools was found in _______ burials.

  • Farmata had to increase production to pay ______

  • What is known as large _____ vellars in the Tamil Nadu region?

  • Ploughman was known as _____ in Tamil Nadu.

  • Most grihapatis were _____ landowners.

2. State true or false.

  • The plough share was not used to increase agricultural production.

  • Most of the grihpatis were small landowners.

  • Extremely fine pottery was found in the western part of the sub-continent.

  • Arretine Ware was named after a city in London.

Download Free PDF of Vital Villages Thriving Towns Class 6 Notes

There are various questions and terms that students have to remember in this chapter. Therefore, a PDF with Vital Villages and Thriving Towns Class 6 notes can help students understand things better.

  • The free PDF is easily downloadable from Vendatu's website. Many exercises and questions will help students summarize the chapter quickly. 

  • Students can easily carry these PDFs with them anywhere because they are printable and portable simultaneously. 

  • All the questions in the PDFs are designed in such a way that they will help students score good marks on their tests.

Lastly, to make students understand this chapter, the subject matter experts at Vedantu have selected important questions and given Vital Villages and Thriving Towns Class 6 notes in the PDFs to help the students easily cover the full chapter. 

FAQs on CBSE Class 6 Social Science Worksheet Chapter 25 Vital Villages, Thriving Towns

1. Why is the chapter Vital Villages and Thriving Towns about?

This chapter is about different villages and Kingdoms in ancient India. It explains how different villages and cities in India have generated revenues and have done cultivation and agricultural practices. 

2. What is the best way to understand the topic of Vital Villages and Thriving Towns?

The best way to understand the chapter on Vital Villages and Thriving Towns is from a PDF because it will help students learn the important terms of the chapter easily.

3. Why were iron tools used in the chapter Vital Villages and Thriving Towns?

Iron tools were used to clear different forests in vital villages and thriving towns.